martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Wiki - Webquest

     Hello everybody! Today I want to tell you a new tool that I have discovered...  Webquests and Wikis in

     This post is specially addressed to teachers as it helps you create pages full with information, projects, events, or even set homework for your students. Moreover, you can check and assess the work that each pupil is doing from your home or office.

     Within the Wiki, you can create a Webquest, which mainly is a lesson with a task in which the students are intended to work by searching the web. Basically is a research project, with the guidance and assistance of a teacher. There are six steps to follow when creating a Webquest:

  • Introduction: This section should be devoted to present the topic and the task that students will have to do.
  • Task. Here you are supposed to explain what the activity is going to deal with, the requirements, the steps to follow, etc.
  • Process: This part should include the details of the task and a good explanation of the task. Also, you have to include how many people will form a group and to specify which is the ultimate aim of the task.
  • Resources. Here you should provide some links for students to check so as to do the activity.
  • Evaluation: Also you have to include an evaluation rubric, because students need to be sure how they are going to be evaluated, and what is expected from them. 
  • Conclusion: This part should be a summary of every step students have to take, so they are sure they have completed the task successfully.
     In short, I think this is a great way to work with students in a different way. As it is not the classic task, they would be more involved and more eager to participate. 

    I encourage you to try it!!

     PS. I already created one with a partner, have a look at it!

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