martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Christmas time!

     Well, well... It is Christmas time, and I know you don't want to study English right now... BUT I have a proposal for you... Why don't you try to practice English without noticing it?

     I am sure you have been hearing Christmas carols for weeks, and probably you love them, so let's play a game!

     Below you have the link to a great page. There you have to select your level and later fill in the missing words from the lyrics. It is funnier than it may seem, BELIEVE ME! I have searched for a Christmas carol, but in the page you have thousands of songs of any style.

     Also, if you are a teacher, you can use it in the classroom. It is a different activity, and students love doing tasks outside the book.

     What are you waiting for? Go ahead!! TRY IT! You will love it!

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